How I Built a CMS, Using TypeScript, Bun, Drizzle, & MDX (complete version)
Then swapped it out for something better, contentlayer2
This wasn't the post I planned to write. Initially, I thought this post was going to be dedicated exclusively to my bespoke content management system. Where, I thought I’d wax poetic for a while about how sometimes the best solutions, are tailor made. However, I’ve since come back to my senses to realize that the best solution is the one with the smallest number of compromises, hand crafted be damned... READ_MORE =>
Thoughts on Rebuilding my Website, Next.js 14.2+, & SST [UPDATED]
Bonus thoughts on React Three Fiber, & Zustand too
This article was a long time coming, it's also quite long. In some respects, this might feel like an article created from a few separate articles I stitched together, and perhaps it is. However, I felt it was important to talk about the primary technologies I used in developing/deploying this site, because they're all pretty tightly integrated... READ_MORE =>
Bot Clicker is a satirical mini-game I made for the landing page where you click on robots to make the clicker counter go up, and in return, they puff up and make enlightening sounds and social commentary... READ_MORE =>
Welcome to Yet Another Dev Blog
There's many like it, but this one is mine
Hello internet, my name is Lani, and welcome to the official launch of laniakita.com 🎉, my over-engineered (oops 🤗) website and blog. This is where I’ll be showcasing some of my work, as well as my thoughts on developing sites/apps for the modern web (& more, probably)... READ_MORE =>