
Posts in the Linux category center primarily around using or configuring a machine or fleets of machines with a GNU/Linux based operating system.

Background: a wireframe of a scenic mountain view, with water pooling into a pond at the base. Foreground: Directly in the center, sits the NixOS logo, a plus sign, a lock icon, a plus sign, and a motherboard icon, all imposed upon a translucent, teal rectangle.


Happy New Year! Yep, it's that time of year again. A time of new beginnings, cleaned slates, and Winter weather (in the Northern Hemisphere). So, bundle up near the warmth of your PCs exhaust fans, and bask in the glow of artificial light from it's connected display. Because, dear reader, it's time to start anew! And what better way to achieve that, than with a clean install of NixOS?READ_MORE =>