Drizzle ORM

Drizzle ORM is a Object Relational Mapping tool, for TypeScript.1


  1. Drizzle ORM - next gen TypeScript ORM. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Sep 13]. Available from: https://orm.drizzle.team/

A parody, that features a main character, with a bun for a head and a blindfold featuring MDX across it. A blue box with TS on it, a black box with some rain drops, and a green moose appear to be background characters. A character with a W for a head, representing a standard CMS, is eating popcorn in the corner.


How I Built a CMS, Using TypeScript, Bun, Drizzle, & MDX (complete version)

Then swapped it out for something better, contentlayer2

This wasn't the post I planned to write. Initially, I thought this post was going to be dedicated exclusively to my bespoke content management system. Where, I thought I’d wax poetic for a while about how sometimes the best solutions, are tailor made. However, I’ve since come back to my senses to realize that the best solution is the one with the smallest number of compromises, hand crafted be damned... READ_MORE =>